Review Criteria
The following is a brief explanation of what the scores in our reviews mean. We realize that PC gamers have to shell out the money when it comes to maintaining and updating computer systems, which is why we try to give the reader a serious and reliable opinion in which they can decide whether to purchase a game or not. CPUGamer will never inflate review scores and our reviewers are not influenced by other sites and publications. When you need an honest and reliable PC game review, you can count on CPUGamer.
[9.0 – 10] Excellent: : A score in this category is hard for a game to achieve. Every aspect of the game has to be very well done and feel complete. It’s a game that can be enjoyed by fans of any genre and are usually very popular because of it. You’ll only see a score of ten once in a blue moon, it is attainable but requires absolute perfection.
[8.0 – 8.9] Good: A score in this category would definitely be appreciable by any fans of the genre itself but other gamers wouldn’t have this same feeling. It might have a steep learning curve or may be lacking in one of the review factors.
[7.0 – 7.9] Average: A game that receives a score in this category might have had good potential but is severely lacking in one area or somewhat lacking in a few areas. There might also be a couple bugs in the current build. If you think you might like a game that receives a score in this category pay attention to the buzz after a patch is released. Sometimes developers will put out a fix that really helps a game.
[6.0 – 6.9] Less than Average: This scoring category represents a game that is bordering on “poor” but something is keeping it afloat. In most cases we won’t recommend purchasing a game that receives a score in this category.
[5.0 – 5.9] Poor: A game that receives a score in this category just doesn’t stack up. It is severely lacking in several areas and we do not recommend spending your hard earned money on it. You might not feel altogether horrible after playing the game but you will not feel any enjoyment either.
[ < 5] Just Plain Bad: If we give a game a score less than five the developer should be paying you to play it. The game represents something completely amateur because it lacks in all areas and might have many bugs. You’ll want to steer clear of these games because all they’ll do is make you upset.