Black Mirror 2 E3 Screenshots

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New screenshots from "Black Mirror 2" were released at E3, giving viewers more of a look at the upcoming adventure game by Future Games.

"Twelve years after the events of Black Mirror: The coast village of Biddeford/Maine is gleaming in the colours of Indian Summer. Here works the main character of Black Mirror 2, Darren, as a temp in a photo studio. He, a withdrawn young lad in his 20ies, is studying physics. If photography hadn’t been his only passion, he would have left his poorly paid job and his sleazy boss Fuller ages ago.

One day, a stunning English girl named Angelina steps into the shop to have her picture taken. Darren is instantly captivated by her beauty – he has never felt like this. But suddenly, Fuller is bursting in. He insists on serving the pretty customer himself while Darren is sent out to town. When he comes back, it’s only by chance that he can fix an appointment with Angelina for a photo shooting.

Shortly after Angelina has left the shop, Darren notices a man following her secretly. Soon, something horrible is happening. In Darren’s opinion, Fuller has to do with it and he wants him to pay for it.

During the next weeks, the student is plagued by nightmares. He starts a journey leading him to Willow Creek in England. This is the village of Black Mirror Castle where the tragedy of part one took place."


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