Funcom today announced the launch of The Secret War, a browser-based game inspired by the upcoming MMORPG The Secret World. The game includes prizes such as early beta access and in-game items.
“Starting today ‘The Secret War’ will run as a campaign where players get to actively spread the influence of their secret society in a highly interactive experience that tracks each secret society’s level of power in the world.
Players start by taking a unique personality to determine what secret society they belong to. After joining a secret society, players are immediately placed in the middle of the secret war and can start recruiting agents to their cause through their Facebook friends list. Players will have to deploy agents to different countries to increase the influence of their secret society in those regions.
As you assist your secret society in their bid for world domination, you will climb their ranks and unlock a wealth of exclusive rewards that can be used in ‘The Secret World’ MMO at launch, such as clothes, weapons, elixirs and more. Players can also unlock guaranteed access to the upcoming Beta Weekends, and can win a trip to Montreal to meet the developers of ‘The Secret World’. One of the more exclusive prizes is the opportunity to have your name embedded into the game at launch.”
Sign up on The Secret War site.
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